cosco船公司【视频】今晚演出丨耳蜗乐队 无空搓 丨聆听电子乐的奇妙音符-盲堂

【视频】今晚演出丨耳蜗乐队 无空搓 丨聆听电子乐的奇妙音符-盲堂

生死钟声? 场地内禁止吸烟。
No Smoking inside the venue.
神池道情 ? 1.2m以下儿童谢绝入场。
No entry for children under 1.2 meters.
Please take care of your belongings and take out the garbage.
? 场地内不设存放处,如有遗失魏征进谏图 ,后果自负。
There is no storage place in the site. If there is any loss, the consequences will be self-confident.
朱焱淼 ?扑狗、摸屎、跳水时注意安全 尤其是女生。
Dogs,shit裴礼康 ,and diving pay attentiom to safety especially girs.
洛基恐怖秀 ?严禁携带易燃易爆等危险品及管制刀具入场。
It is strictly prohibited to carry inflammable, explosive and other dangerous goods and control knives.
飞燕惊龙?请根据场馆规定适时入逍遥射雕 场,场馆内不舍设坐席,无需对号入座。
please enter the venue according to the requirements of the venue富甲三国 ,and the venue will not be seated.
勃大180 ? 演出时,禁止录像、录音山地大猩猩 。拍照禁止使用闪光灯cosco船公司 ,并请将手机调至静音。
No filming or recording during the show. Please set your phone on silent mode and do not use flashlight when taking photos.
李先念简历?此票为电子票,演出现场核对您购票时所留的姓名、手机号和购票数量即可入南极巨虫 场;购票成功后非演出更改、延期或取消庄烈王后 ,均不予退换票品集结战宝 。
This ticket is an electronic ticket. The name, number of mobile phone number and the number of tickets purchased will be allowed to enter the show. No change, delay or cancellation will be made after the successful purchase of the ticket.
臭美网 ? 如有变动,以现场工作人员的指示为准溧阳论坛网 。
In case of any change, the instructions of the on-site staff shall prevail.
