
虽然蒂勒森已被解除美国国务卿一职,但作为美国历史上第一位没有任何政治经验的国务卿叶子楣3及电影 。他的解职,与特朗普,这位没有任何政治与军事经验的总统比起来,也就没那么意外了。
#Why Russia is Excited about Donald Trump’s Pick for Secretary of State?#
Although Vladimir Putin has no shortage of energy executives on his payroll烈火之炎 , the Russian President likes to negotiate oil and gas deals personally. He seems to get a kick out of it. He has been known to discuss the minutiae of drilling rigs and pipeline routes with foreign delegates until their eyes glaze over. Call it a hobby, or an obsession. But it was this keen interest in energy politics that brought Putin into contact with Rex Tillerson自制手膜, the American oil executive who, as of Tuesday, is in line to become the next U.S. Secretary of State.
For Putin赵安吉 , the news of the latest nomination to the cabinet of President-elect Donald Trump could hardly have been more perfect if the Kremlin itself had scripted it. Tillerson, who has served as chief executive of ExxonMobil since 2006薄智云 , has been a friend to Russia even during the lowest points in its relations with the West. He has called for the U.S. to lift the sanctions imposed on Moscow in 2014 for its military assault against Ukraine. And his name is the one that officials in Moscow have tended to mention as a sign of hope that “pragmatic” relations with the U.S. would one day return.

Payroll 工资单
negotiate oil and gas deals personally 亲自来谈石油和天然气交易
get a kick out of it 对这件事情很嗨
drilling rigs 钻探装置
glaze over 睡眼惺忪
obsession 沉湎
keen 哀嚎;大声呐喊;急迫地做某事
U.S. Secretary of State 美国国务卿
Nomination 提名
Kremlin 克林姆林宫
ExxonMobil 埃张瑶萱 克森美孚
the sanctions imposed on 对…施加的制裁
Ukraine 乌克兰
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