

过去,一些家庭会在自家后院养上几头猪海拉尔火网 ,而现在,已经被养殖量不断增长的工厂化养殖场所替代。
在工厂化养殖场里,成千上万头猪被饲养在肮脏污秽拥挤不堪的笼圈中。它们被填塞在狭窄的畜栏里,甚至无法转身和躺倒——有时,畜栏被堆叠成几层,上一层动物的粪便就 直接落到下面动物的身上爱音まりあ。畜棚中污物、粪便、尿液的不断积聚加剧了动物间疾病的传播;有些时候,这些疾病也会传染给养殖场工人。

生活在工厂化养殖场里的猪,在没有麻醉的情况下被阉割生活九重奏 ,被剜去耳朵上大块的肉,用剪钳拔掉牙齿,并被截断尾巴。这里的动物们顾少强 ,长期被饲喂强效抗生素,以保证它们在疾病滋生的环境中存活下来平原县教育局 ,并快速生长。这些强效药物和一代代的种猪繁育,令猪变得虚弱无力几乎无法行走,无数头来自养殖场的猪身体极其虚弱,当它们被送到屠宰场时,甚至不能行走。由于肉中含有药物残留且猪群中流行病肆虐。

屠宰场简直可以称作猪和其他动物的人间地狱。一旦被送到那里,工人们就会将铁钩刺入猪的眼睛、嘴巴或直肠,只是为了让它们尽快走完从运输卡车到屠宰场地这最后一段的生命旅程。惊恐的猪在试图挣扎逃脱时被割断喉咙林依婷 ,许多猪在意识完全清醒的情况下被剥皮、肢解梅丽莎·劳奇。

In the past, some families raised several pigs in their backyard, but now they have been replaced by industrialized breeding sites with increasing production.
In industrialized farms冷碗碗 , tens of thousands of pigs are kept in squalid, dirty and crowded cage circles. They are stuffed in the narrow corral, not even turning around and lying down - sometimes, the corral is stacked into layers, and the faeces of the upper animal fall directly on the animals below. The accumulation of filth甘甘的世界, feces and urine in barns exacerbates the spread of diseases among animals. Sometimes, these diseases can also be transmitted to farm workers.
Pigs living in a factory farm were castrated without anaesthesia, gouged out of large pieces of meat on their ears, pliers out of their teeth, and truncated tails. The animals here have long been fed strong antibiotics to ensure that they survive and grow rapidly in the environment where diseases breed. These powerful drugs and generations of breeding pigs make pigs weak and incapable of walking, and countless pigs from farms are extremely weak and can not even walk when they are sent to the slaughterhouse. Because the meat contains drug residues and swine flu epidemic.
Pig farms in industrialized farms have been imprisoned for life for a long time, and have been forced to conceive and reproduce many times in a short lifetime. For this intelligent and gregarious animal, the corral is very cruel.
The animals in a factory farm have only one chance to see the sun and breathe fresh air in a lifetime: when they are forced into a truck, they are transported to the slaughterhouse with other frightened animals. During transportation, they were exposed to bad weather conditions, without food and water侯传杲 ,魏哲鸣 and many of their companions died on the way.
Slaughterhouses can be called "hell on earth" for pigs and other animals. Once they were sent there, the workers put the hook into the pig's eyes, mouth, or rectum良友圣经学院 , just to get them to finish the final journey from the truck to the slaughterhouse as soon as possible. The frightened pig was cut off when trying to escape. Many pigs were skinned and dismembered in the wake of conscious sobriety.
