Photo: Chinanews.com
San Francisco has officially accepted a statue representing the "comfort women" forced to work as sex slaves for Japanese soldiers during World War Two.
The work depicts three young women - from Korea, China and the Philippines - standing in a circle holding hands.
Photo: Getty Images
Similar statues around the world have angered Japan. San Francisco's Japanese sister city, Osaka, has already threatened to cut ties over the move.
世界上其他地区放置的类似雕像曾经令日本非常愤怒刘迦 。旧金山在日本的姐妹城市大阪已经威胁称,如接受该雕像费县房产网 ,就与旧金山断绝姐妹城市关系神武答题器 。
It's estimated that some 200,000 women were kept in these military brothels.
The statue in San Francisco was set up privately in late September, but on Wednesday mayor Edwin Lee signed confirmation that the city council officially accepted the monument.
9月底时,民间团体在旧金山建立了“慰安妇”雕像,但是在本周三(当地时间11月22日),旧金山市长李孟贤(Edwin M. Lee)正式签署文件,批准市政府接受这座雕像。
Photo: Getty Images
An inscription on the side of the statue reads: "This monument bears witness to the suffering of hundreds of thousands of women and girls euphemistically called 'Comfort Women,' who were sexually enslaved by the Japanese Imperial Armed Forces in thirteen Asian-Pacific countries from 1931 to 1945".
在雕像的一侧,有一段文字写道:“这座雕像见证了成千上万名被称为‘慰安妇’的女性的悲惨遭遇俨然造句 ,在1931年至1945年期间,来自亚太地区十三个国家的女性曾经被迫成为日本皇军的性奴隶。”
A fourth figure stands nearby金学伟 , depicting an elderly woman meant to be Kim Hak-sun, the first woman to speak out about her experience during the Japanese occupation of Korea during the war.
Similar memorials have been placed elsewhere, most notably in South Korea.
'Comfort woman' statueoutside the Japanese consulate in South Korea's port city Busan. Photo: Xinhua
'Comfort woman' statueoutside the Japanese consulate in Seoul. Photo: Chinanews.com
In January秦含章 , Japan temporarily withdrew its ambassador to South Korea over a new statue outside the Japanese consulate in South Korea's port city Busan. A statue also stands outside Japan's consulate in Seoul.
Japan says the statues in South Korea violate a 2015 deal, which agreed that Japan's reparations would "finally and irreversibly" resolve the issue - but many Koreans view that settlement as inadequate and the issue continues to plague ties.
'Comfort woman' statuein California, US. Photo: People.cn / IC
But there are other statues in the United States and Canada as well as in Australia, which saw its first "comfort woman" statue set up in 2016 - these have caused varying degrees of tension.
In this case Osaka mayor Hirofumi Yoshimura wrote to his San Francisco counterpart to protest against the statue and said he might end the sisterhood between the two cities, which dates back to 1957.
大阪市长吉村洋文(Hirofumi Yoshimura)曾写信给旧金山市长,对放置“慰安妇”雕像表示抗议,并称他将与旧金山断绝自1957年以来的姐妹城市关系。
据新华网报道,大阪市一直对旧金山设立“慰安妇”雕像一事感到不满ca4102,10月23日吉村洋文访问旧金山期间还曾抗议称“大阪市无法接受”。旧金山市政府通过该议案以来重生过继千金 ,日方多次向旧金山市长李孟贤施压,要求他拒绝接受雕像。
可惜... 结果如何大家已经看到了。据日本共同社报道,吉村洋文称大阪与旧金山之间的信任关系已经破裂,将进入正式结束“姐妹城市关系”的流程:
The Japanese government had called on Lee not to accept the statue after the U.S. city's council passed the motion last week. Following Lee's approval, Osaka Mayor Hirofumi Yoshimura said he plans to complete procedures to dissolve the sister-city affiliation with San Francisco in December.
"My understanding is that sister-city ties are based on a strong relationship of trust, so I believe our relationship of trust has ended," Yoshimura said in a statement.
吉村洋文在一份声明中表示五步拳,“我对姐妹城市的理解是蒙面达虎 ,这种关系应该建立在牢固的信任关系的基础之上,我认为现在这份信任已经不存在了。”
Photo: IC
Osaka and San Francisco formed sister-city ties in 1957d9和弦, launching high-school student exchanges and other programs.
大阪与旧金山于1957年结为姐妹城市花翎飞盗 ,开展高中生交流等活动。
The Osaka mayor had warned that if San Francisco accepted the statue毒岛伢子 , it would impair their relationship of trust.
大阪市长吉村洋文曾经警告旧金山市政府相府闺秀 ,接受该雕像会影响双方之间的信任关系。
Photo: AP
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe earlier said it was "extremely regrettable" that San Francisco's assembly had accepted the statue.
早前金文奎 ,日本首相安倍晋三也曾就旧金山市议会提出接受“慰安妇”雕像表示“极度遗憾”。
来源:BBC,共同社,环球网,新华网 / 图片除标注外均来自网络