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Why technique in tango really matters and why often it really doesn’t
Does technique matter in tango? Yes. When you want to enjoy an activity, learning a skill and then perfecting it will give you more joy. Technique gives you - primarily - a certain comfort in what you do. It makes you move with less effort. It allows for a dance that is richer, more complex. It moves you to the next level in the hierarchy of dancers in your community. It makes you enjoy the dance much more. The formula “better technique = better experience” is valid. However, the formula “good technique = good tango” is incorrect. Or rather, it is incomplete.
探戈中技术重要吗?是的赵欣瑜 。当你想享受某个活动,学习技术并完善它可以让你获得更多快乐。技术主要可使你在参与活动中感到舒适,让你运动起来更轻松。可以允许舞蹈更丰富慕思成,更复杂洪荒风行者 。可以让你在社区的舞者中提升到更高层次。可以让你更享受舞蹈。“更好的技术=更好的体验”这个公式是成立的,粟奕 然而“好的技术=好的探戈”却不正确,或不完全正确。
The remark I hear most often from a dancer about another dancer is this: “You know, I really enjoyed dancing with him/her. S/he might not be the best dancer in the room, or maybe even far from it猛男滚死队 , but s/he has a really nice…" (here follows an aspect of the person’s dance such as embrace炸三中 , connection, musicality, presence, energy, passion, and so on).
As you see, some of it IS technique, but most of it is not. Often people stress that it is enjoyable DESPITE a lack of technique. So what makes people want to dance with someone who might be below their technical level, or with hardly any technique at all银贡山庄? What makes them stick to the dancer they know instead of trying someone new? What makes them pick a new dancer from all the others sitting around?
I call it the “human factor”. For me, the correct formula is “human factor + technique = good tango experience”. So, what is “human factor” in tango?
First, it is the way you relate to yourself. The way you see姜心比心 , feel and present yourself. The way you like, dislike, love or despise yourself. The way you feel about your dance, your technique, your looks, femininity, masculinity, posture, level and so on. Human factor is about how much you love yourself and how much of this love shines through your presence. It is about how confident your are in showing yourself, because when you dance, everyone will see the whole person that you are. It takes courage to show yourself in this way. As one flamenco teacher said: “You cannot learn to move beautifully if deep inside you are convinced of your ugliness”. No teacher can teach you good tango if you don’t love your body. If you are struggling with technique中航健身会, maybe the right thing to do is not to learn a better ocho, but to learn how to love and admire your body first. How ready are you to enjoy your dance, or are you only looking for errors? Did you bring yourself in a good mood before coming to the milonga? Are you taking responsibility for HOW YOU FEEL at any moment?
第一,是你和自己的关系。你观察、感受和表现自己的方式。你喜欢、不喜欢,爱或轻视自己的方式。你对自己舞蹈、技术、外表、女性气质、男性气质、姿势、水平等等的看法。人为因素指的是你有多爱自己,以及这种爱如何由内而外从自身散发出来。指的是你跳舞时如何自信地展现自己龙威父子 ,所有人都会看到你的全部。用这种形式展现自己需要勇气。就像某个弗拉明戈老师说的:“如果你内心深处深信自己是丑的,你是学不会如何美丽地运动的。”如果你不爱自己的身体,没有老师可以教会你把探戈跳好。如果你努力练习技术,也许正确的不是学习更好的做ocho,而是先学习如何喜爱和欣赏你的身体。你是否准备好了享受自己的 舞蹈,还是只是寻找错误?你是带着好心情来milonga的吗?你是否能够在任何时候掌控自己的感受爱康金服 ?
The second important component in “human factor” is how you relate to others. Which is directly linked to how you relate to yourself. Love produces love. In specific tango terms this means: how able you are to embrace another person comfortably and stay with the person throughout the dance? How able are you to listen to another body, to another musicality? How sensitive are you to your own balance and his/her? How forgiving are you when the other person does not live up to your expectations? Do you use another person for your own pleasure only调教三国 ? The difference between just dancing and dancing together is the same as between having sex and making love. Both can be very enjoyable, but they are not the same. And yes, being sexually attractive (and attracted) to other people is also part of relating to others, part of tango, part of this experience. As is respecting the other person’s right to not want to dance with you.
人为因素的第二个重要组成部分是你和其他人的关系。这和你对待自己的态度直接相关。爱产生爱。用探戈的术语来说,这表示:你是否可以舒服地拥抱别人,并在整个舞蹈过程中与他同步?你是否有能力倾听另一个身体,另一种音乐性?你对自己和舞伴的平衡有多敏感?当别人做的没达到你期望时你是否能谅解?你是否只是利用别人来实现自己的欢愉?舞蹈和一起舞蹈的区别就跟性交和做爱的区别一样。都可以很愉快,但并不一样 。没错,让人觉得性感(和被吸引)也是和别人相处的一部分,探戈的一部分,舞蹈体验的一部分,不过也要尊重别人有不想和你跳舞的权利。
The human factor in tango is about connecting to yourself and connecting to the other. But there is also another important component: connecting to the dance itself. The connection to the dance happens through music. Dance is not execution of movements by specific body parts. Dance is expressing the musical imagery (energy, mood, texture, rhythm, melody) by your whole being. Some people have a natural ability to do this劳斯丹顿 , and for them learning the technique will only improve this ability. Other people do not have this ability naturally, and for tango teachers the most difficult thing is actually not how to teach the correct movement, but how to teach people to REALLY DANCE.
探戈中的人为因素是你和自己及他人的连接。但是也有另一个重要的组成部分:与舞蹈本身的连接我的总裁老婆 。和舞蹈的连接通过音乐开始。舞蹈不是身体特定部分做某个运动。舞蹈是用全身心来表现音乐的意象(能量、情绪、质感、节奏、旋律)。有人天生可以做到,对他们来说,学习技术只是提升了这种能力。其他人没有这种天赋吴文景,对探戈老师来说最难的不是教怎样正确做动作,而是教他们真正去舞蹈。
Can you enjoy tango with almost no technique? Absolutely! If you are an advanced dancer, this only means that as beginner you had enormous fun. Otherwise you would not have stayed. Do you have to learn technique to enjoy tango温岭二中 ? Let’s put it this way: no one has ever suffered from an excess in technique, but I meet dancers suffering from lack of it every day. But a good teacher will help you improve both your technique AND the human factor. As dancer and teacher Eric Franklin writes: “The most important technique in dance is love for the dance.”
你能在几乎没有技术的情况下享受探戈吗?当然!如果你是个高水平的舞者, 这就表示当你初学的时候你也能收获极大的快乐。否则你不会坚持五强溪水电站 。你需要学习技术来享受探戈吗?这么说吧:没人会因为技术太好而感觉折磨,但是我天天能遇到因技术不够而苦恼的舞者。不过好的老师可以帮助你提高技术和人为因素。Eric Franklin,既是舞者也是老师,曾写道:“舞蹈中最重要的技巧是爱上舞蹈。”
An old friend once told me: “You know, I remember how we first met, all these years ago. You were this new pretty girl watching the dancefloor呵斥的近义词 , mesmerized at all those cool dancers. I was one of them, I was cool, I was experienced, I had been dancing for so long - two years! I felt so old that I was starting to forget why I should enjoy it. I invited you. You were so obviously a total beginner, you didn’t even know what an ocho was. But dancing with you made me understand what I was looking for in tango. There was so much dance in you. You were so intense, you gave yourself so fully. I remember coming off the dancefloor saying to myself: from now on, THIS is what I want.”
一个老朋友曾对我说:“你知道吗,这么多年了,我还记得咱们第一次相遇。你是个漂亮的新手,看着舞池,为所有优秀的舞者着迷。我是其中一个,我跳得很好,也很有经验,跳了很长时间——两年!那时我觉得自己太老,开始忘记要享受舞蹈。我请了你男神睡务局 。你明显是个初学者 29天半,甚至不知道ocho是什么。但是和你跳舞让我明白跳探戈是为了什么。我还记得从舞池回来我对自己说:从此以后,这才是我想要的。”
