

这里是丁香园「医周一句 · Clinical Pearls」栏目的第 17 期。今天我们要讨论的是感冒时的鼻塞问题黄曼个人资料。冥月
在我们感冒时,我们会发现鼻塞通常情况下并不是两边一起塞,而是左右轮流塞的ca1305 。这到底是为什么呢?
最近英国杂志Science alert就发表了这样一篇文章,提到了这一有趣的现象,让我们来看看原文是如何描述的:
This process is automated by the aptly named autonomic nervous system, which is the same system that controls many things your body does all by itself such as digestion and heart rate.
For your nose,张瑶萱 this system controls your「nasal cycle」青刺尖, so that each nostril operates effectively.
The nasal cycle happens, according to the US National Library of Medicine人皇经 , several times during the day, and is only brought to your attention if your nose is clogged up more than usual.
In order to open one side of your nose and close the other, your body inflates tissue with blood in the same way that a man gets an erection, except二重铜花门 , you know, in your nose.
也就是说,我们的鼻腔受到人体「自主神经系统」的控制刘骁骞 ,会产生「鼻腔循环」。
另外大唐歌飞 ,两侧鼻腔不同让大量空气流动出入,也避免造成鼻腔过度干燥的现象,更好的保护了鼻腔抵御外来污染的作用。
因此我的九月 ,下次当你发现只有一个鼻孔能够正常呼吸,千万别紧张,这是人体自我保护和感知气味的一种自然现象。(责任编辑:shamouer)

[1]Josh Hrala. Why does only one side of your nose get blocked at a time? Science Alert. 2016.https://www.sciencealert.com.
[2] Kook Kim J, Hoon Cho J, Jong Jang H, et al. The effect of allergen provocation on the nasal cycle estimated by acoustic rhinometry[J]. Acta oto-laryngologica, 2006, 126(4): 390-395.
